Tosefta Sanhedrin 9:7
תוספתא מסכת סנהדרין (צוקרמאנדל) פרק ט הלכה ז
היה ר' מאיר אומ' מה תלמ' לומר כי קללת אלהים תלוי לשני אחים תאומים דומין זה לזה אחד מלך על כל העולם כולו ואחד יצא לליסטייא לאחר זמן נתפס זה שיצא לליסטיא והיו צולבין אותו על הצלוב והיה כל עובר ושב או' דומה שהמלך צלוב לכך נאמר כי קללת אלהים תלוי:
R. Meir used to say: what does it mean: one that is hanged is a curse against (of) God? To two twin brothers, identical to one another, one ruled over the whole world, and the other took to highway robbery. After a while he the robber was caught, and they were crucifying him on the cross. All passers by said: the king is on the cross, for this meaning it was written: For he that is hanged is a curse against God. [Translation by Rabbi Jill Jacobs]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. How does the parable in this text explain “one that is hanged is a curse against God”?

2. What does this text teach us about capital punishment? Is it ever ok to execute people?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)