Responsa of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein Yoreh Deah 1: 144
שו"ת אגרות משה יורה דעה חלק א סימן קמד
ומה שבסעי' ט' משמע לענין קדימות דכהן ולוי ולוי לישראל שהוא רק כשצורכם שוה לפרנס או שוה לכסות דלכן לא אמר סתם היו לפניו עניים הרבה ואין בכיס כדי לכולן אלא אמר ואין בכיס לפרנס או לכסות כולם משמע משום דאם אחד לפרנס ואחד לכסות אותו שלפרנס קודם אף אם הוא ישראל מלכהן לכסות...
In regard to the issue of giving a Kohen precedence over a Levi and a Levi over a Yisrael, this applies only when all of them have the same need for food or clothing. For this reason, the text does not just say “there are many poor before you and you do not have enough for all of them” but rather, it says “you don’t have enough to feed or to clothe all of them.” The reason for this phrasing is that if one of them needs food and another needs clothing, the one who needs food takes precedence over the one who needs clothing, even if the one who needs food is a Yisrael and the one who needs clothing is a Kohen. . . all discussions of precedence apply only when all of the poor people have the same needs. [Translation by Rabbi Jill Jacobs]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is the nature of the hierarchy of the Kohen, Levi, and Yisrael? Why do we support them differently?

2. Why does the text specify “enough to feed or to clothe all of them”?

3. How do we address hierarchies of need and receiving in our social justice work?

Time Period: Contemporary (The Yom Kippur War until the present-day)