Mishna, Yoma 8:7
משנה, יומא ח
מי שנפלה עליו מפולת ספק הוא שם ספק אינו שם ספק חי ספק מת ספק עובד כוכבים ספק ישראל מפקחין עליו את הגל מצאוהו חי מפקחין עליו ואם מת יניחוהו:
If debris fall on someone, and it is doubtful whether or not they are there [under the rubble], or whether they are alive or dead, or whether they are an Israelite or a non-Jew, one should open [even on Sabbath] the heap of debris for the person's sake. If one finds the person alive one should remove the debris, and if they are dead one should leave the body there [until the Sabbath day is over]. [Soncino translation. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. When are we allowed to violate the Sabbath and look through rubble?

2. When are we prohibited to violate the Sabbath to look through rubble?

3. What does this text teach us about our responsibility to others in times of emergency?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)