Mishna, Sotah 9:6
משנה, סוטה ט
זקני אותה העיר רוחצין את ידיהן במים במקום עריפה של עגלה ואומרים (דברים כ"א)ידינו לא שפכו את הדם הזה ועינינו לא ראו. וכי על דעתינו עלתה שזקני בית דין שופכי דמים הן? אלא שלא בא לידינו ופטרנוהו בלא מזון ולא ראינוהו והנחנוהו בלא לוייה. והכהנים אומרים (שם) כפר לעמך ישראל אשר פדית ואל תתן דם נקי בקרב עמך ישראל.
The elders of that town washed their hands in water [at the place where the unclaimed corpse was found], and they said, “Our hands have not shed this blood neither have our eyes seen it.” But could it be that the elders of a Court were shedders of blood? But, “He came not into our hands that we should have dismissed him without sustenance, and we did not see him and leave him without escort!” And the priests say, “Atone for your people Israel whom you redeem to God and do not allow for there to be innocent blood spilled amongst the people of Israel.” [AJWS translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is the challenge presented in this text? How is it resolved?

2. What does this text suggest the authorities should have done had they known?

3. What do our governments know that they should act on? How can we urge them to do so?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)