Chizkuni, Genesis 24:63
לשוח בשדה - לשון שיח השדה תחת אחד השיחים כלומר לנטוע אילנות ולראות ענין פועליו. ד"א לשון שיחה לדבר לאיש הצורך לדבר עמו.
Walking in the field - The language here is of plants (si'ach) of the field, under one of the trees as if to say that Isaac was planting trees to see how they grow. Another interpretation - the language is of conversation (si'chah), to speak with one who wants to speak with him. [AJWS translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. The Chizkuni is commenting on the strange formulation in the verse - "lasuach ba-sadeh," to walk, or meditate in the field. What are the two interpretations that he posits?

2. What is Chizkuni suggesting here about Isaac's relationship to the land? To other people?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)