Mishna, Gittin 9:3
משנה, גיטין ט
גופו של גט הרי את מותרת לכל אדם רבי יהודה אומר ודין דיהוי ליכי מינאי ספר תירוכין ואגרת שבוקין וגט פטורין למהך להתנסבא לכל גבר דתצביין גופו של גט שחרור הרי את בת חורין הרי את לעצמך:
The essence of a get [Jewish divorce document given to the woman by the man]: "You are permitted to any man." Rabbi Yehudah says, "And this shall be to you from me, a book of divorcement, and a letter of release and a writ of dismissal, to go to be married to whichever man you wish." The essence of a writ of emancipation from slavery: "You are a freed woman", "You belong to yourself." [Moreshet translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is the difference between the initial stated understand of a get and Rabbi Yehudah's elaboration? What was lacking in the initial statement that prompted Rabbi Yehudah to add to it?

2. How do you understand the essence of the writ of emancipation from slavery? How is it different than the get?

3. What can we learn from this text about the rabbis' understanding of women's roles in their society? How have these roles changed?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)