Rambam, Guide for the Perplexed Part 3 48:3
ספר מורה הנבוכים חלק ג פרק מח
וכן אסר לשחוט אותו ואת בנו ביום אחד, להשמר ולהרחיק לשחוט משניהם הבן לעיני האם, כי צער בעלי חיים בזה גדול מאד, אין הפרש בין צער האדם עליו וצער שאר ב"ח,
It is prohibited to kill an animal with its young on the same day (Lev. 22: 28), in order that people should be restrained and prevented from killing the two together in such a manner that the young is slain in the sight of the mother; for the pain of the animals under such circumstances is very great. There is no difference in this case between the pain of humans and the pain of other living beings..." [AJWS translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. Why are we commanded not to kill an animal with its young on the same day? How does the Rambam describe our relationship with our food?

2. How can we ensure that our food is produced under more ethical and mindful conditions? Why is this necessary?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)