Perush Rabbenu Yonah on Avot 4:7
פירוש רבינו יונה על אבות פרק ד משנה ז
רבי ישמעאל ברבי יוסי אומר החושך עצמו מן הדין - ואע"פ שכתוב שופטים ושוטרים תתן לך בכל שעריך. וכתוב צדק צדק תרדוף שמצוה לדון את הדין זהו במקום שאין שם דיינים אחרים אבל כל זמן שיוכל לחשוך את עצמו טוב לו להשליך עולו על אחרים שמונע עצמו מכמה ספקות. פורק ממנו איבה שהיוצא מב"ד חייב ישנא את הדיינין
Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Yossi said: One who avoids serving as a judge (breaks off the power of enmity, robbery and false swearing) .(M. Av. 4:7) Even though it is written, Judges and policemen provide for yourself in all your gates, (Deut 16:18) it also says, Justice, justice you shall pursue (Deut 16:20) - the commandment is to judge the claim. This is in a place where there are no other judges but each time one might “avoid serving as a judge” it is good to pass off this burden on to others and prevent yourself from much uncertainty. You unload from yourself feelings of loathing that one who leaves court having been found guilty feels for the judge. [Translation by Rabbi Rachael Bregman. Edited for gender neutrality and clarity]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. According to Rabbenu Yonah, how do we fulfill the commandment “justice, justice you shall pursue”?

2. Why does he warn us to abstain from serving as a judge whenever possible? What does this teach us about the nature of the justice system?

3. Upon whom is the ultimate obligation to judge claims? How do we then fulfill the obligation as a community?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)