Babylonian Talmud, Bechorot 29a
תלמוד בבלי מסכת בכורות דף כט עמוד א
מתני'. הנוטל שכרו לדון - דיניו בטילים גמ'. מנהני מילי? אמר רב יהודה אמר רב: דאמר קרא +דברים ד'+ ראה למדתי אתכם וגו' - מה אני בחנם אף אתם בחנם.
MISHNAH. If one takes payment to act as a judge, the judgments are void. GEMARA. Where is it proved? Rab Judah reported in the name of Rab: Scripture says: Behold I have taught you, etc. (Deuteronomy 4) Just as I teach for free, so you should teach for free. [Soncino translation. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. Why can’t a judge accept payment?

2. According to this text, what is the role of a judge? What is the relationship between the judge and the people he or she governs?

3. Is this text referring to payment through communal taxes or sums provided by individuals?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)