Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot 67b
תלמוד בבלי מסכת כתובות דף סז עמוד ב
מר עוקבא הוה עניא בשיבבותיה, דהוה רגיל כל יומא דשדי ליה ארבעה זוזי בצינורא דדשא. יום אחד אמר: איזיל איחזי מאן קעביד בי ההוא טיבותא. ההוא יומא נגהא ליה למר עוקבא לבי מדרשא, אתיא דביתהו בהדיה, כיון דחזיוה דקא מצלי ליה לדשא נפק בתרייהו, רהוט מקמיה עיילי לההוא אתונא דהוה גרופה נורא, הוה קא מיקליין כרעיה דמר עוקבא, אמרה ליה דביתהו: שקול כרעיך אותיב אכרעאי. חלש דעתיה, אמרה ליה: אנא שכיחנא בגויה דביתא ומקרבא אהנייתי
Mar Ukba had a poor man in his neighborhood into whose door-socket he used to throw four zuz everyday. One day [the poor man] thought: ‘I will go and see who does me this kindness.’ On that day [it happened] that Mar Ukba was late at the house of study and his wife was coming home with him. As soon as [the poor man] saw them moving the door he went out after them, but they fled from him and ran into a furnace from which the fire had just been swept. Mar Ukba’s feet were burning and his wife said to him: “Raise your feet and put them on mine.” As he was upset, she said to him, “I am usually at home and my benefactions are more direct.” [Translation by Shuli Passow]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. Why was Mar Ukba upset?

2. How does his wife’s response explain why only his feet burned?

3. What can this text teach us about the importance of different forms of community service?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)