Sefat Tamim (Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan) Chapter 5
ספר שפת תמים (לחפץ חיים) פרק ה
ומתוך אלו המותרות, רבו בזמנינו הוצאות הנשואין במלבושיהן, עד שרבות בנות באות לידי בזיון בהגיען לפרק נשואיהן. אב ואם בוכים ומבכים, אין להם מושיע. וכהנה רעות רבות וצדות שעובדים על ראש העניים. ומי גורם לכל זה אם לא ריבוי הוצאות ומותרי המלבושים שנעשו קבעו בעו”ה, שגורמים בזה רעה לעצמם בזה ובבא, וגם לכל העולם כולו.
As a result of these luxurious lifestyles, the expenditures for wedding clothes have risen greatly, to the point that many young women are embarrassed when they reach their wedding. Father and mother cry and there is none to help them [afford the cost,] even as other similar troubles fall upon the heads of the poor. What causes all this, if not the excessive expenditures and the luxurious spending on clothes, which have become common as a result of our sins, behaviors which cause evil to those who practice it, and to the entire world. [Translation by Steven Exler]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. According to Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen Kagan, what are the ramifications of materialism?

2. How is excessive spending a result of “our sins”? To whose is he referring ?

3. Is it fair for a community to create spending limits to protect the poor from shame and an inability to provide?

Time Period: Modern (Spinoza through post-WWII)