Genesis Rabbah 96:5
אל נא תקברני במצרים, בשבילך ירדתי למצרים בשבילך אמרתי אמותה הפעם, ועשית עמדי חסד ואמת, וכי יש חסד של שקר? שהוא אמר חסד ואמת למה כן? משל הדיוט אומר מית בריה דרחמך טעון, מת רחמך פרוק, אמר לו אם תעשה לי חסד לאחר מיתתי הוא חסד של אמת, אל נא תקברני במצרים.
[And Jacob said,] Do not bury me in Egypt, for it is for you that I came down to Egypt and for you that I have spoken such a truth this time and I have done with you lovingkindness and truth." But is there such thing as lovingkindness of lying, such that he should say, "lovingkindness and truth"?! Why is it so? A common adage says, "When your friend's child dies, bear it; when your friend dies, cast it off." [Jacob] said to him, "If you show me kindness after my death - that is kindness of truth. Please do not bury me in Egypt." [AJWS translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. According to this text, what is "lovingkindness and truth"?

2. Why is taking care of the dead considered to be the ultimate act of chesed?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)