Rambam, The Laws of Torah Study, 4:5
רמב"ם הלכות תלמוד תורה פרק ד הלכה ה
לא יהיה התלמיד בוש מחביריו שלמדו מפעם ראשונה או שניה והוא לא למד אלא אחר כמה פעמים, שאם נתבייש מדבר זה נמצא נכנס ויוצא לבית המדרש והוא אינו למד כלום, לפיכך אמרו חכמים הראשונים אין הביישן למד ולא הקפדן מלמד
A student must not feel ashamed on account of their colleagues who have learned a subject at once, or soon after it was taught a second time, while it has taken that student many times to grasp it. If the student were to feel embarrassment because of this, then that student would be attending school without learning anything. For this reason, the early sages declared: “The bashful cannot learn, nor can the quick-tempered teach” (Pirkei Avot, 2:5) [Translation by CAJE. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. Why do some people take longer to learn something than others? Is this a reflection on intelligence?

2. According to this text, what is the ideal learning environment? What factors inhibit proper study?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)