Chidushei HaRitva, Baba Metzia 78b
חידושי הריטב"א מסכת בבא מציעא דף עח עמוד ב
בירושלמי דמסכת מגילה בפ"ק אמרינן אין מדקדקין במעות פורים אלא כל הפושט ידו ליטול נותנין לו, כלומר שאין מדקדקין בדבר לומר אם הוא עני וראוי ליתן לו אם לאו אלא נותנים לכל אדם שיבא ויתבע שאין יום זה מדין צדקה בלבד אלא מדין שמחה ומנות שהרי אף בעשירים כתיב ומשלוח מנות איש לרעהו
In the Jerusalem Talmud in the first chapter of Tractate Megillah, it says, “No scrutiny is made regarding the Purim funds. Rather, we give to anyone who extends a hand.” That is to say, no scrutiny is made in the matter to see if the person is really poor and deserving to receive or not. Rather, we give to any person who comes and asks, because this day [Purim] is operating not only on account of the law of tzedakah, but also on account of the laws of joy [of the festival] and Mishloach Manot [sending gifts], for we give even to rich people, as it is written, “And portions shall be sent to each person and their fellow.” [Translation by David Fried. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. According to the Jerusalem Talmud, we only give from the tzedakah fund to people who are truly poor. How do we evaluate who is “truly poor”?

2. What constitutes “truly poor” by today’s standards? What should be considered a necessity, and what is a luxury?

3. Why is it necessary to evaluate who receives tzedakah? Is this a fair practice?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)