Ramban, Genesis 19:5
ונדעה אותם - כוונתם לכלות את הרגל מביניהם, כדברי רבותינו (סנהדרין קט א), כי חשבו שבעבור טובת ארצם שהיא כגן ה' יבאו שם רבים, והם היו מואסי הצדקה.
And we will know them - It was their intention to prevent a habit from forming among them, as our sages said (Sanhedrin 109a), for they thought that by virtue of the goodness of the land, which was like the garden of God, many would come and [the Sodomites] loathed charity. [AJWS translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. According to Ramban, what is the connection between hating charity and treating strangers horribly?

2. How is the thinking of the Sodomites here reflected in public policy on immigration?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)