Kesef Mishneh, Hilkhot Rotze'ach 2:11
כסף משנה הלכות רוצח ושמירת הנפש פרק ב הלכה יא
וכי יזיד איש על רעהו רעהו להוציא את אחרים... איסי בן עקיבא אומר קודם מתן תורה היינו מוזהרים על שפיכות דמים לאחר מתן תורה שהוחמרו הוקלו באמת אמרו פטור מדיני ב"ו ודינם מסור לשמים
"But if a person came presumptuously upon their neighbor"; "their neighbor" – to the exclusion of others [i.e., non-Jews]...Issi ben Akiva says: Before the Torah had been given, we were forbidden to shed blood; now that the Torah has been given, instead of greater stringency, there is leniency? In truth, they said: That person is exempt according to the laws of people, but that person's judgment is given over to Heaven.[translation Harav Yehuda Amital. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean for one to have their judgment given over in Heaven? How is this different than being judged human law?

2. Which punishment is more grievous? Why do we distinguish between them?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)