Rambam, Guide for the Perplexed 3:54
ספר מורה הנבוכים חלק ג פרק נד
אמר ירמיהו באלו השלמיות הארבעה, כה אמר ה' אל יתהלל חכם בחכמתו, ואל יתהלל הגבור בגבורתו, ואל יתהלל עשיר בעשרו, כי אם בזאת יתהלל המתהלל השכל וידוע אותי, השתכל איך לקחם כפי סדרם אצל ההמון, כי השלמות הגדול אצלם, עשיר בעשרו, ואחריו גבור בגבורתו, ואחריו חכם בחכמתו..., ואמר בחסד במשפט וצדקה חפצתי נאם ה', ר"ל שכוונתי שיצא מכם חסד משפט וצדקה בארץ, כמו שבארנו בי"ג מדות, כי הכוונה להדמות בהם ושנלך על דרכם. א"כ הכוונה אשר זכרה בזה הפסוק, הוא באורו, ששלמות האדם אשר בו יתהלל באמת, הוא להגיע אל השגת השם כפי היכולת, ולדעת השגחתו בברואיו בהמציאו אותם והנהיגו אותם, איך היא, וללכת אחרי ההשגה ההיא בדרכים שיתכוין בהם תמיד לעשות חסד ומשפט וצדקה, להדמות בפעולות השם,
Jeremiah says concerning these four perfections: "Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glories, glory in this- in his earnest devotion to Me. For I the Lord act with kindness, justice and equity in the world; for in these I delight." (Jer 9:22-23) Consider how he mentioned them according to the order given them in the opinion of the multitude, for the greatest perfection in their opinion is that of the "rich man in his riches," below him "the mighty man in his might, and below him "the wise man in his wisdom"- him who possesses the moral virtues...In this verse he makes clear to us that those actions that ought to be known are imitated are kindness, justice and equity...it is God's purpose that there should come from us, kindness, justice and equity; to assimilate these attributes, this should be our way of life. Thus the end that he sets forth in his verse may be stated as follows: It is clear that the perfection of man that may truly be glorified in, is the one acquired by him who has achieved, in a measure corresponding his capacity, apprehension of Him, and who knows His providence extending over His creatures as manifested in the action of bringing them into being and in their governance as it is. The way of life of such an individual, after he has achieved this apprehension, will always have in view kindness, justice and equity, through assimilation to His actions. [Translation by M. Friedlander]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean that God's preferred attributes for humans are "kindness, justice and equity?" Does this differ from other other philosopher's understandings of God?

2. How does God serve as a model for human behavior?

3. What is the commandment that we draw from this text?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)