Rashi on Babylonian Talmud Shabbat 67b
רש"י מסכת שבת דף סז עמוד ב
נפט - כשמגלין אותו האור הולך ונמשך אליו ומבעיר.
"Rav Zutra says, One who covers an oil lamp, or uncovers a naphtha lamp has violated ba'al taschit." (note: ba'al taschit refers to the Torah's prohibition on wasteful or pointless destruction of property or resources) Rashi explains Rav Zutras's statement: doing either of these things causes the oil or naptha to burn faster and therefore uses up more fuel than is necessary to achieve your purpose (keeping the lights on.) It wastes energy, and according to Rav Zutra, that's ba'al taschit. [Jewishclimateinitiative.org]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is a current environmental lesson that we can learn from the idea of a "ba'al taschit?"

2. How can we reconcile not being a "ba'al taschit" with the inability (according to some interpretations) to turn on and off lights on shabbat?

3. How do different denominations respond to this?

4. Why is not being wasteful more just?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)