Thoughtful Tzedakah

Taste of Limmud in Washington Heights November 17, 2009 Lisa Exler "To give away money is an easy matter and in any man's power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large, and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in every man's power nor an easy matter." --Aristotle

Babylonian Talmud, Baba Metzia 71a
דתני רב יוסף (שמות כ"ב) אם כסף תלוה את עמי את העני עמך, עמי ונכרי - עמי קודם, עני ועשיר - עני קודם, ענייך ועניי עירך - ענייך קודמין, עניי עירך ועניי עיר אחרת - עניי עירך קודמין.
R. Joseph learnt: If you lend money to any of my people that are poor with you: [this teaches, if the choice lies between] a Jew and a non-Jew, a Jew has preference; the poor or the rich the poor takes precedence; your poor [i.e. your relatives] and the [general] poor of your town, your poor come first; the poor of your city and the poor of another town the poor of your own town have prior rights. [Soncino translation]
  1. What tzedakah hierarchy does this text set up?
  2. What role does relationship play in the hierarchy?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with this hierarchy?
  4. What kinds of hierarchies do you set up in your own tzedakah-giving?
Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Gifts to the Poor 9:12
מי שישב במדינה שלשים יום כופין אותו ליתן צדקה לקופה עם בני המדינה, ישב שם שלשה חדשים כופין אותו ליתן התמחוי, ישב שם ששה חדשים כופין אותו ליתן צדקה בכסות שמכסים בה עניי העיר, ישב שם תשעה חדשים כופין אותו ליתן צדקה לקבורה שקוברין בה את העניים ועושין להם כל צרכי קבורה.
A person who dwells in a city for thirty days is forced to give tzedakah to the Kupah (community fund that feeds the resident poor with a weekly food allocation) with the rest of the residents of the city. If he dwelt there three months they force him to give to the Tamhui (public soup kitchen for any hungry person). If he dwelt there six months they force him to give tzedakah for clothing to clothe the poor. If he dwelt there nine months they force him to give tzedakah for the burial fund which provides all the burial requirements for the poor.
  1. What can you infer from this text about the relationship between length of time in a community and level of responsibility to provide for communal needs?
  2. When do you feel responsible to support the needs of your community?