Mussar for Heilicher Eighth Grade

Follow this form to write about a fabulous experience you've had. Fabulous Experience. If that link doesn't work, use this:

You'll have to paste it into your browser.

Made everyone that surrounded a better player, Always lead the bulls in the playoffs, Always made the clutch shot in the playoffs and finals. Michael Jordan

Added by: Alex Chan


Added by: Levi Smetana


Added by: Gabe Kahn


3. Groundedness

4. Love

5. Balance

Added by: Gigi S

Enthusiasm, truth, love, joy, peacefulness

Added by: Zachary N

Joy, Gratitude, Awe, Wonder, Love

Added by: Toby K

1. Enthusiasm

2. Courage

3. Perservance

4. Organization and Order

5. Appreciation of Opposition

Added by: Haya F

Courage, confidence, inner strength, humility

Added by: Heidi M
  1. Humor
  2. social intelligene
  3. compassionate criticism
  4. Joy
  5. Curiosity
Added by: Molly S

I liked awe, wonder joy, will power, and courage

Added by: Solomon H

1. Anger

2. Respect

3. Leadership

4. Gratitude

5. Humility

Added by: Peyton E

Enthusiasm, Joy, Confidence, Creativity, Gratitude

Added by: Rachel L

In the form you filled out, you chose many traits that were present during that experience. List five of those you find most interesting or inspiring and list them here.




Added by: Gabe Kahn

Enthusiasm, Gratitude, Joy, Confidence, Perseverance

Added by: Jacob K

Joy, gratitude, happiness, awe, wonder

Added by: Justin Kadet

1. Enthusiasm

2. Awe

3. Wonder

4. Gratitude

5. Joy

Added by: Shira H

Enthusiasm And Awe

Added by: Robby G

Enthusiasm, Gratitude, Joy, Kindness

Added by: Lauren V

Now take a look at this source, the Periodic Table of Mussar. You'll have to click on the "Explore Strengths" link. It looks like the picture below.

Go to the periodic table of strengths, and look up one of your listed strengths with your chevruta. You'll see a bunch of links to text, media, and info. Explore at least 3 links in one of those topics. Share favorite links by clicking on the "link" button on the toolbar, and pasting your link there. Give it a good label, related to the strength you're exploring. Then add a comment to it describing how this relates (or doesn't relate) to your story.

Independent, Compassionate, Modern. Belle (The Disney Princess 👸🏻)

Added by: Haya F

Jamal Crawford, he is still in the NBA after 19 years, and he is very unselfish and thoughtful. He also has many organizations to help kids with different situations-Toby

He inspired me to play the trumpet. He was in the Israeli army. He is nice

Added by: Justin Kadet

Olaf😂😂- he has leadership, strength and courage.

Added by: Ayelet p

Made everyone that surrounded a better player, Always lead the bulls in the playoffs, Always made the clutch shot in the playoffs and finals. Michael Jordan

Added by: Alex Chan

Think of someone you admire a lot. Add a comment saying who they are and at least three things about them you admire.

Mickey Mouse, he's happy and nice, and fun

Added by: Lauren V

friendly not nice

Added by: Lauren V

Jack Boniface. Happy, compassionate and appreciative

Added by: Heidi M

Muselk is my savor he Is funny, good at fortnight and nice.

Added by: Gabe Kahn

Good at defense, is funny, and could help the wolves get further into the playoffs next year if he signs again with them

Added by: Solomon H

Bechira points - the moments of choice between continuing to act out of habit and knowing that we have the personal power to act in a way that truly benefits ourselves and others.

Bechira Point – “A choice point.” נקודת בחירה Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler writes that humans have free will only at the point where one’s sense of what is true meets ones sense of what is false. We experience this as confusion and find it hard to make decisions at these points. The more we can choose a positive direction, the easier it gets in the future to choose a positive direction. According to Rabbi Dessler, everyone is born with different behira points based on both nature and nurture. However, we are completely responsible for our decisions at these behira points.

Key Ideas:

Our choice-points are the growing edge of our soul curriculum
Each positive choice we make leads to spiritual growth
The location of our choice points is a matter of nature and nurture

Write about a Bechira moment you've had. Click here to write about it.

Good at defense, is funny, and could help the wolves get further into the playoffs next year if he signs with them again. Jimmy Butler

Added by: Solomon H

Peacefulness, Awe, Kindness and Gratitude.

Added by: Saul Z