THE Final Exam

אמר רבא בשעה שמכניסין אדם לדין אומרים לו נשאת ונתת באמונה קבעת עתים לתורה עסקת בפו"ר צפית לישועה פלפלת בחכמה הבנת דבר מתוך דבר ואפ"ה אי יראת ה' היא אוצרו אין אי לא לא משל לאדם שאמר לשלוחו העלה לי כור חיטין לעלייה הלך והעלה לו א"ל עירבת לי בהן קב חומטון א"ל לאו א"ל מוטב אם לא העליתה.

With regard to the same verse, Rava said: After departing from this world, when a person is brought to judgment for the life he lived in this world, they say to him in the order of that verse: Did you conduct business faithfully? Did you designate times for Torah study? Did you engage in procreation? Did you await salvation? Did you engage in the dialectics of wisdom or understand one matter from another? And, nevertheless, beyond all these, if the fear of the Lord is his treasure, yes, he is worthy, and if not, no, none of these accomplishments have any value. There is a parable that illustrates this. A person who said to his emissary: Bring a kor of wheat up to the attic for me to store there. The messenger went and brought it up for him. He said to the emissary: Did you mix a kav of ḥomton, a preservative to keep away worms, into it for me? He said to him: No. He said to him: If so, it would have been preferable had you not brought it up. Of what use is worm-infested wheat? Likewise, Torah and mitzvot without the fear of God are of no value.

נשאת ונתת באמונה - Did you conduct business faithfully?

(ו) טֽוֹב־רָ֭שׁ הוֹלֵ֣ךְ בְּתֻמּ֑וֹ מֵעִקֵּ֥שׁ דְּ֝רָכַ֗יִם וְה֣וּא עָשִֽׁיר׃

(6) Better is a poor man who lives blamelessly than a rich man whose ways are crooked. - Business Halacha - A student of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter once approached him with the following dilemma. “I’ve been a shochet (ritual slaughterer) for many years. As I grow older, I become more concerned about my responsibilities. The fear of causing others to eat non-kosher meat is overwhelming. I would like to stop slaughtering and go into business instead!” Rabbi Yisroel Salanter asked him, “Are you an expert in the laws of slaughtering?” “Of course, Rebbe, I have studied the laws of shechita for many years!” Rabbi Yisroel Salanter then asked, “Are you expert in the laws of business?” The student laughed, “Of course not, very few people learn Choshen Mishpat (the section in the Shulchan Oruch [The Code of Jewish Law] that discusses business law)!”Said Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, “You are not making any sense – If you are prepared to stop slaughtering because of your fear of sinning, even though you are an expert in the laws, how much more so should you fear sinning in business, in which you have no expertise in its halachos!”

Are Business Ethics an Oxymoron by Rabbi Benjamin Blech - "The CEOs were intrigued when I told them that in Hebrew the word avodah means both work and prayer. The connection between them is profound. It is our work and the way we go about it that represents our most powerful relationship to God. Our daily business ethics are the deeds that speak far louder than the words we utter in synagogue."

Radically Jewish Business Ethics by David Weitzner - The essence of an authentically Jewish approach to business ethics is not to be found by criticizing business activities or simply delineating a set of rules and prohibitions. Authentically Jewish business ethics is about engaging in business in a way that changes the person, changes the environment in which that person works, and changes all those who come in contact with the business person through their daily business activities.

קבעת עתים לתורה - Did you designate times for Torah study?

וכבר היה רבי טרפון וזקנים מסובין בעלית בית נתזה בלוד נשאלה שאילה זו בפניהם תלמוד גדול או מעשה גדול נענה רבי טרפון ואמר מעשה גדול נענה ר"ע ואמר תלמוד גדול נענו כולם ואמרו תלמוד גדול שהתלמוד מביא לידי מעשה תניא רבי יוסי אומר גדול תלמוד שקדם לחלה ארבעים שנה לתרומות ולמעשרות חמשים וארבע לשמיטים ששים ואחת ליובלות מאה ושלש מאה ושלש מאה וארבע הויין קסבר יובל מתחילתו הוא משמט וכשם שהלימוד קודם למעשה כך דינו קודם למעשה כדרב המנונא דאמר רב המנונא אין תחילת דינו של אדם אלא על דברי תורה שנאמר (משלי יז, יד) פוטר מים ראשית מדון וכשם שדינו קודם למעשה כך שכרו קודם למעשה שנאמר (תהלים קה, מד) ויתן להם ארצות גוים ועמל לאומים יירשו בעבור ישמרו חקיו ותורותיו ינצורו

In connection to the mishna’s statement about the importance of Torah study, the Gemara relates the following incident: And there already was an incident in which Rabbi Tarfon and the Elders were reclining in the loft of the house of Nit’za in Lod, when this question was asked of them: Is study greater or is action greater? Rabbi Tarfon answered and said: Action is greater. Rabbi Akiva answered and said: Study is greater. Everyone answered and said: Study is greater, but not as an independent value; rather, it is greater as study leads to action. It is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Yosei says: Torah study is greater, as it preceded the mitzva of separating ḥalla by forty years. The Torah was given to the Jewish people soon after they left Egypt, whereas the mitzva of separating ḥalla came into effect only after they entered Eretz Yisrael. And it preceded the mitzva of terumot and tithes by fifty-four years, as the Jews become obligated in these mitzvot only fourteen years after they entered Eretz Yisrael, once they had conquered and divided the land. Furthermore, the Torah preceded the observance of Sabbatical Years by sixty-one years, as they began to count the seven-year cycle only once they had divided the land. Finally, it preceded the Jubilee Years by 103 years, as the fifty-year count to the first Jubilee Year began only after they had divided Eretz Yisrael. The Gemara asks: Why does the baraita state 103 years? It was actually 104 years. If one adds fifty to the fifty-four years that passed before the Jews began fulfilling the mitzvot dependent on the land, one arrives at a total of 104. The Gemara answers: This tanna maintains that the Jubilee Year releases slaves and returns fields to their original owners from the start of the year. Therefore, 103 years passed before the mitzva of the Jubilee Year took effect. And just as study comes before action, i.e., the mitzva of Torah study takes precedence over other mitzvot, so too, the judgment concerning Torah study precedes the judgment for an action of the performance of a mitzva. This is in accordance with the statement of Rav Hamnuna, as Rav Hamnuna says: The beginning of a person’s judgment is only concerning matters of Torah, as it is stated: “The beginning of judgment is as one lets out water” (Proverbs 17:14). This is understood to refer to the sin of neglecting Torah, as the Torah is compared to water, which brings life to the world. And just as the judgment concerning Torah study precedes the judgment for an action of the performance of a mitzva, so too does the reward for Torah study precede the reward for an action of the performance of a mitzva, as it is stated: “And He gave them the lands of nations, and they took the labor of peoples in possession, that they might observe His statutes and protect His laws” (Psalms 105:44–45). The first reward is for observing the statutes, and as explained on 37a, this is a reference to Torah study.

אין תחילת דינו של אדם אלא על דברי תורה - והא דאמר בפרק במה מדליקין (שבת לא.) כשמכניסין אדם לדין אומרים לו נשאת ונתת באמונה היינו דווקא לענין שאלה ששואלין לו על משא ומתן אבל מ"מ נפרעים ממנו תחלה על שלא קבע עתים לתורה.:

How can Rav Hamnunah say a person's judgment begins with Torah, when the Gemara states that a person's first question at their judgment is about their honesty in business? It is trues they are asked about business first, but if someone doesn't spend time learning then they will be punished for that first.

צל"ח מסכת שבת דף לא עמוד א

ובסנהדרין [דף ז' ע"א] אמרינן דאין תחלת דינו של אדם אלא על דברי תורה, ע"ש בתוס' ד"ה אלא מה שתירץ. ונראה דהנה דרך העולם שני שותפין שיש להם עסק בשותפת אין אחד רשאי לסחור בעצמו כי אם לצורך השותפות, כדאמרינן בעלמא [בבא בתרא מ"ב ע"ב] השותפיןשומרי שכר זה לזה, ומה שעסק בטובתו שלא לטובת השותפות הרי זה אינו נאמן בשותפותו מיקרי. וכן הנשמה והגוף יש להם שותפות, ואין הגוף רשאי לעסוק לעצמו יותר מעסק הנשמה. וזה כוונת הגמרא, אומרים לו נשאת ונתת באמונה, פי' אם קבעת עתים לתורה שלא עסקת לתאוות גופך יותר מהנשמה.

The Tzelach explains that the first two questions are connected. There is a partnership between the body and the soul, and each one has to be taken care of. A person has to be sure to take care of his soul by learning Torah, but to also be sure to act properly and according to the will of Hashem when taking care of the body

(א) מצות תלמוד תורה - מצות עשה ללמד חכמת התורה וללמדה... ועל כל זה נאמר (דברים ו ז) ושננתם לבניך... ונכפלה מצוה זו במקומות רבים, שנאמר (דברים ה א) ולמדתם ועשיתם ולמען ילמדו ולמדתם אותם את בניכם (שם יא יט)... שרש מצוה זו ידוע, כי בלמוד, ידע האדם דרכי השם יתברך, וזולתו לא ידע ולא יבין, ונחשב כבהמה.

(1) The commandment of Torah study: The positive commandment to study the wisdom of the Torah and to teach it... And about all of this is it stated (Deuteronomy 6:7), "You shall teach them to you sons."... And this commandment is repeated in many places, as it is stated (Deuteronomy 5:1), "and study them and do them," "and in order that you will study them" (Deuteronomy 31:12), "and you shall teach them to your children" (Deuteronomy 11:19). The root of this commandment is well-known; as with study, a man will know the ways of God, may He be blessed. But without it, he will not know and not understand, and be considered like an animal.

(י) עַד אֵימָתַי חַיָּב לִלְמֹד תּוֹרָה עַד יוֹם מוֹתוֹ שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברים ד ט) "וּפֶן יָסוּרוּ מִלְּבָבְךָ כּל יְמֵי חַיֶּיךָ". וְכָל זְמַן שֶׁלֹּא יַעֲסֹק בְּלִמּוּד הוּא שׁוֹכֵחַ:

(10) Until what age in life is one obliged to study the Torah? Even until the day of one's demise; for it is said: "And lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life" (Deut. 4.9.) As long as one will not occupy himself with study he forgets what he did study. Kiddushin, 29b.

(ח) לֹֽא־יָמ֡וּשׁ סֵפֶר֩ הַתּוֹרָ֨ה הַזֶּ֜ה מִפִּ֗יךָ וְהָגִ֤יתָ בּוֹ֙ יוֹמָ֣ם וָלַ֔יְלָה לְמַ֙עַן֙ תִּשְׁמֹ֣ר לַעֲשׂ֔וֹת כְּכָל־הַכָּת֖וּב בּ֑וֹ כִּי־אָ֛ז תַּצְלִ֥יחַ אֶת־דְּרָכֶ֖ךָ וְאָ֥ז תַּשְׂכִּֽיל׃
(8) Let not this Book of the Teaching cease from your lips, but recite it day and night, so that you may observe faithfully all that is written in it. Only then will you prosper in your undertakings and only then will you be successful.

ת"ר עני ועשיר ורשע באין לדין לעני אומרים לו מפני מה לא עסקת בתורה אם אומר עני הייתי וטרוד במזונותי אומרים לו כלום עני היית יותר מהלל אמרו עליו על הלל הזקן שבכל יום ויום היה עושה ומשתכר בטרפעיק חציו היה נותן לשומר בית המדרש וחציו לפרנסתו ולפרנסת אנשי ביתו... עשיר אומרים לו מפני מה לא עסקת בתורה אם אומר עשיר הייתי וטרוד הייתי בנכסי אומרים לו כלום עשיר היית יותר מרבי אלעזר אמרו עליו על רבי אלעזר בן חרסום שהניח לו אביו אלף עיירות ביבשה וכנגדן אלף ספינות בים ובכל יום ויום נוטל נאד של קמח על כתיפו ומהלך מעיר לעיר וממדינה למדינה ללמוד תורה... רשע אומרים לו מפני מה לא עסקת בתורה אם אמר נאה הייתי וטרוד ביצרי הייתי אומרים לו כלום נאה היית מיוסף אמרו עליו על יוסף הצדיק בכל יום ויום היתה אשת פוטיפר משדלתו בדברים בגדים שלבשה לו שחרית לא לבשה לו ערבית בגדים שלבשה לו ערבית לא לבשה לו שחרית.

§ Apropos the great wealth of Rabbi Elazar ben Ḥarsum, the Gemara cites that which the Sages taught: A poor person, and a wealthy person, and a wicked person come to face judgment before the Heavenly court for their conduct in this world. To the poor person, the members of the court say: Why did you not engage in Torah? If he rationalizes his conduct and says: I was poor and preoccupied with earning enough to pay for my sustenance and that is why I did not engage in Torah study, they say to him: Were you any poorer than Hillel, who was wretchedly poor and nevertheless attempted to study Torah? They said about Hillel the Elder that each and every day he would work and earn a half-dinar, half of which he would give to the guard of the study hall and half of which he spent for his sustenance and the sustenance of the members of his family... And if a wealthy man comes before the heavenly court, the members of the court say to him: Why did you not engage in Torah? If he says: I was wealthy and preoccupied with managing my possessions, they say to him: Were you any wealthier than Rabbi Elazar, who was exceedingly wealthy and nevertheless studied Torah? They said about Rabbi Elazar ben Ḥarsum that his father left him an inheritance of one thousand villages on land, and corresponding to them, one thousand ships at sea. And each and every day he takes a leather jug of flour on his shoulder and walks from city to city and from state to state to study Torah from the Torah scholars in each of those places... And if a wicked man comes to judgment, the members of the court say to him: Why did you not engage in Torah? If he said: I was handsome and preoccupied with my evil inclination, as I had many temptations, they say to him: Were you any more handsome than Joseph, who did not neglect Torah despite his beauty? They said about Joseph the righteous: Each and every day, the wife of Potiphar seduced him with words. In addition, the clothes that she wore to entice him in the morning, she did not wear to entice him in the evening. The clothes that she wore to entice him in the evening, she did not wear to entice him in the morning of the next day.

אמר ר' אמי מדבריו של ר' יוסי נלמוד אפילו לא שנה אדם אלא פרק אחד שחרית ופרק אחד ערבית קיים מצות (יהושע א, ח) לא ימוש (את) ספר התורה הזה מפיך אמר רבי יוחנן משום רבי שמעון בן יוחי אפילו לא קרא אדם אלא קרית שמע שחרית וערבית קיים לא ימוש.

From the words of R. Jose, we can learn that even one who only studies one chapter in the morning and one chapter in the evening has kept the commandment "These words of Torah shall never depart your mouth" (Joshua 1:8). R. Johanan said in the name of R. Shimon b. Yochai, even one who only recites the Shema in the morning and evening [prayers] has kept the commandment of "never depart your mouth."

אליה רבה סימן א

לענין תורה שואלין לאדם קבעת עתים בתורה [שבת לא ע"א], ואין שואלים כמה תורה למד, דמה טוב לאדם שלמד חמשה פרקים במתון ובנעימה יותר מעשרים ובנחיצה

Regarding Torah, a person will be asked if they set aside time for learning, and yet they are not asked how much Torah they learn. Why not? It is because it is better to learn 5 chapters at a slower pace, then to rush and learn 10 chapters at a fast pace

עסקת בפו"ר - Did you engage in populating the world?

(כח) וַיְבָ֣רֶךְ אֹתָם֮ אֱלֹקִים֒ וַיֹּ֨אמֶר לָהֶ֜ם אֱלֹקִ֗ים פְּר֥וּ וּרְב֛וּ וּמִלְא֥וּ אֶת־הָאָ֖רֶץ וְכִבְשֻׁ֑הָ וּרְד֞וּ בִּדְגַ֤ת הַיָּם֙ וּבְע֣וֹף הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וּבְכָל־חַיָּ֖ה הָֽרֹמֶ֥שֶׂת עַל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃
(28) God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it; and rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and all the living things that creep on earth.”

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky - There is something very unique about the first mitzvah given to man. By almost all mitzvos, a person can easily fulfill the mitzvah if they wish to, but not so by peru u'rvu. It is possible for a person to have a tremendous desire to have children, but unable to do so. It is not a coincidence that this is the first mitzvah in the Torah. Hashem is informing man that when it comes to serving Him, He desires the person's effort to fulfill His will, irregardless of the outcome.

צפית לישועה - Did you await salvation?

Awaiting the Arrival of Moshiach by Rabbi Shimon Schenker - It is said about Rav Moshe Teitelbaum zt”l, the Yismach Moshe, that his longing for Moshiach to come was incredibly intense. He is quoted as saying, “If I had known in my youth that in my old age Moshiach still had not come, I would not have physically survived due to the pain [his delay] would have caused me. My soul would have left me. However, it is only because of my trust and hope in Hashem that he will come that I have survived until today.

חידושי הר"ן מסכת שבת דף לא עמוד א

ועוד צריך לבאר צפית לישועה בימיך. ולא אמר צפית שתבוא ישועה לישראל דמי שאינו מאמין זה אפיקורס הוא שהאפיקורסי' אינן מאמינין שתבואישועה לעולם לישראל.

The question is about if we believe that Mashiach will come in our lifetime. It is obvious that we have to believe that Mashiach will come at some point, and only an apikoreis doesn't believe Mashiach will come at all, but Hashem wants to know if we really believed that he can come in our lifetime.

ובזה תלוי מה שאמרו חכמים ששואלין לאדם לאחר מיתה בשעת דינו צפית לישועה והיכן כתיב מצוה זו? אלא ש"מ בזה תלוי שכשם שיש לנו להאמין שהוציאנו ממצרים דכתיב אנכי ה' אלקיך אשר הוצאתיך וגו'. ועל כרחין מאחר שהוא דיבור הכי קאמר כשם שאני רוצה שתאמינו בי שאני הוצאתי אתכם כך אני רוצה שתאמינו בי שאני ה' אלקיכם ואני עתיד לקבץ אתכם ולהושיעכם: וכן יושיענו ברחמיו שנית. כדכתיב (דברים ל') ושב וקבצך מכל העמים וגומר :

How can we be judged after we die on if we awaited the salvation if there is no mitzvah in the Torah about awaiting the salvation? It must be that our necessity to await the salvation comes from the mitzvah of anochi Hashem, and just as we have a mitzvah to believe that Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim, Hashem will redeem us in the future.

שלש תעניות הראשונות אנשי משמר מתענין ולא משלימין כו': תנו רבנן מפני מה אמרו אנשי משמר מותרין לשתות יין בלילות אבל לא בימים שמא תכבד העבודה על אנשי בית אב ויבואו ויסייעו להם מפני מה אמרו אנשי בית אב לא ביום ולא בלילה מפני שהן עסוקין תמיד בעבודה מכאן אמרו כל כהן שמכיר משמרתו ומשמרת בית אב שלו ויודע שבתי אבותיו קבועין שם אסור לשתות יין כל אותו היום במכיר משמרתו ואין מכיר משמרת בית אב שלו ויודע שבתי אבותיו קבועין שם אסור לשתות יין כל אותה שבת אינו מכיר משמרתו ומשמרת בית אב שלו ויודע שבתי אבותיו קבועין שם אסור לשתות יין כל השנה רבי אומר אומר אני אסור לשתות יין לעולם אבל מה אעשה שתקנתו קלקלתו אמר אביי כמאן שתו האידנא כהני חמרא כרבי:
§ The mishna teaches that on the first three fasts, the members of the priestly watch fast but do not complete their fasts until nightfall. The mishna then proceeds to cite other halakhot that deal with the members of the priestly watch and the patrilineal family. The Sages taught: For what reason did they say that the members of the priestly watch are permitted to drink wine at nights but not during the days? They said this lest on a certain day the Temple service becomes burdensome for the members of the patrilineal family, and the members of the priestly watch are called to come and assist them. Therefore, it is prohibited for them to drink wine during the day, when their help might be needed, so that they do not enter the Temple after drinking wine. The baraita continues to explain the reason for the mishna’s ruling. For what reason did they say that the members of the patrilineal family may not drink wine, neither by day nor by night? Because they are constantly engaged in the Temple service. From here the Sages stated: Even nowadays, after the destruction of the Temple, with regard to any priest who knows his priestly watch, in which his family served, and the watch of his patrilineal family, and he knows that the family of his forefathers was established as fit for the Temple service there, it is prohibited for him to drink wine that entire day, in the event that the Temple is rebuilt on that day and he will be called to return to the service. In the case of a priest who knows his priestly watch, i.e., the week of the year in which his family served, and does not know the watch of his patrilineal family, the day of the week that his family served, but he knows that the family of his forefathers was established there, it is prohibited for him to drink wine that entire week. Finally, if he does not know his priestly watch or the watch of his patrilineal family, but he knows that the family of his forefathers was established there, he is prohibited to drink wine that entire year. When the Temple will be rebuilt, his priestly watch might be called upon to serve, and he is unaware of the appointed time for his Temple service. Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says: I say that in accordance with this reasoning it is prohibited for any priest to drink wine at any time, even if he knows his priestly watch, as the order of the watches might change when the Temple is rebuilt, or perhaps all the watches will participate in the rededication of Temple. However, what can I do, as his misfortune is his advantage? The unfortunate fact that so many years have passed since the destruction of the Temple means that this decree prohibiting the priests from drinking cannot be sustained. Abaye said: In accordance with whose opinion do priests drink wine nowadays? It is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi.

פלפלת בחכמה - Did you engage in the dialectics of wisdom?

מהרש"א חידושי אגדות מסכת שבת דף לא עמוד א

דהיינו שלא יהא אדם מפלפל פלפול של הבל אלא שיהא כוונתך לפלפל בשכל וחכמה


It is about not wasting one's time thinking about empty matters, and life is about engaging in wisdom

שם 'חכמה' נופל בלשון העברי על ארבעה דברים. הוא נופל על השגת האמיתות אשר תכלית כונתם - השגתו ית' - אמר "והחכמה מאין תמצא וגו'" ואמר "אם תבקשנה ככסף וגו'" - וזה הרבה... נמצא בספרי הנביאים ודברי ה'חכמים' שמשימים ידיעת התורה מין אחד והחכמה הגמורה מין אחר - החכמה ההיא הגמורה היא אשר התבאר בה במופת מה שלמדנוהו מן התורה על דרך הקבלה מן השכליות ההם. וכל מה שתמצא בספרים מהגדלת החכמה וחשיבותה ומיעוט קוניה "לא רבים יחכמו" "והחכמה מאין תמצא וגו'?" וכיוצא באלו הפסוקים הרבה - כולם יורו על החכמה ההיא אשר תלמדנו המופת על דעות ה'תורה'. אמנם בדברי ה'חכמים ז"ל' הוא גם כן הרבה מאד - רצוני לומר שגם הם משימים ידיעת ה'תורה' מין אחד וישימו החכמה מין אחר - אמרו 'ז"ל' על 'משה רבנו' "אב בחכמה אב בתורה אב בנביאים"; ובא בשלמה "ויחכם מכל האדם."

The term chochmah ("wisdom") in Hebrew is used of four different things: (1) It denotes the knowledge of those truths which lead to the knowledge of God. Comp. "But where shall wisdom be found?" (Job 28:12); "If thou seeks her like silver" (Prov. 2:4). The word occurs frequently in this sense... the knowledge of the Law, and the acquisition of true wisdom, are treated in the books of the Prophets and in the words of our Sages as two different things; real wisdom demonstrates by proof those truths which Scripture teaches us by way of tradition. It is to this kind of wisdom, which proves the truth of the Law, that Scripture refers when it extols wisdom, and speaks of the high value of this perfection, and of the consequent paucity of men capable of acquiring it, in sayings like these: "Not many are wise" (Job 32:9); "But where shall wisdom be found" (ibid. 28:12)? In the writings of our Sages we notice likewise many passages in which distinction is made between knowledge of the Law and wisdom. They say of Moses, our Teacher, that he was Father in the knowledge of the Law, in wisdom and in prophecy. When Scripture says of Solomon, "And he was wiser than all men."

הבנת דבר מתוך דבר - Did you understand one matter from another?

וכן ראוי שיהיה הסדר שיודעו הדעות ההם תחילה על דרך קבלה ואחר כך יתבארו במופת ואחר כך ידוקדקו המעשים המטיבים דרכי האדם. וזה לשונם 'ז"ל' בהיות האדם נתבע על אלו הענינים השלשה על הסדר הזה - אמרו "כשאדם נכנס לדין תחילה אומרים לו קבעת עתים לתורה? פלפלת בחכמה? הבינות דבר מתוך דבר?" - הנה התבאר לך שידיעת ה'תורה' אצלם מין אחד והחכמה מין אחר והוא - לאמת דעות ה'תורה' בעיון האמיתי.

Our Sages further say, that man has first to render account concerning his knowledge of the Law, then concerning the acquisition of wisdom, and at last concerning the lessons derived by logical conclusions from the Law, i.e., the lessons concerning his actions. This is also the right order: we must first learn the truths by tradition, after this we must be taught how to prove them, and then investigate the actions that help to improve man's ways. The idea that man will have to render account concerning these three things in the order described, is expressed by our Sages in the following passage: "When man comes to the trial, he is first asked, 'Hast thou fixed certain seasons for the study of the Law? Hast thou been engaged in the acquisition of wisdom? Hast thou derived from one thing another thing?'" This proves that our Sages distinguished between the knowledge of the Law on the one hand, and wisdom on the other, as the means of proving the lessons taught in the Law by correct reasoning.