Mah Ahavti TorateCha. TorateCha, kol hayom, hi sichati.
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Zera Levatala
Zera Levatala (or, "wasting seed") (also commonly referred to as "masturbation") is a horrible sin. One of the worst sins in all of Judaism. This sheet is an extremely important azhara (warning) for Am Yisrael, not to fall into this lousy sin, and to stay kadosh (holy). Unfortunately, not enough Jews out there are willing to speak about it publicly, and spread the truth of the subject. However, baruch HaShem, there are a few (about 5 or 6) English-speaking rabbis that have publicly spoken on this topic and continue to do so today. This Sefaria post is just to inform as much Jews and non-Jews as possible, about these different sources to look into (i.e Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, Rabbi Yaron Reuven, Rabbi Yehoshua Zitron, Rabbi Alon Anava, Rabbi Zamir Cohen, all biblical and Torah sources mentioned on this post, etc.), and really to go out and educate yourself. Because there is no end to the importance of being kadosh (holy), of understanding the importance and paramountcy of this.
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