Minyan Dorshei Derekh Parashat Noach 5775/25 October 2014

מילים: שמעון סויסה
לחן: עממי

אדמה ושמים
חום האש צליל המים
אני מרגיש זאת בגופי
ברוחי בנשמתי

הייה הייה הייה הייה
הייה הייה הייה הוו...

הייה הייה הייה הייה
הייה הייה הייה הוו...

Adamah v'Shamayim

Adamh v'shamayim

Chom ha-esh tzlil ha-mayim

Ani margish zot b'gufi

Biruchi uv'nishmati


Earth and sky

Warmth of fire, sound of water

I feel it in my body

In my spirit and my soul

Rise and Shine


Rise and shine
And give God the glory, glory (3)
Children of the Lord
The Lord said to Noah:
There's gonna be a floody, floody (2)
Get those children out of the muddy, muddy
Children of the Lord

So Noah, he built him, he built him an arky, arky (2)
Built it out of gopher barky, barky
Children of the Lord

The animals, the animals,
They came in by twosie, twosies (2)
Elephants and kangaroosie, roosies
Children of the Lord

It rained and poured
For forty daysie, daysies (2)
Nearly drove those animals crazy, crazies,
Children of the Lord

The sun came out and
dried up the landy landy (2)
Everything was fine and dandy, dandy
Children of the Lord


The animals they came off
They came off by three-sies three-sies (2)
Grizzly bears and chimpanzee-sies zee-sies
Children of the Lord


That is the end of,
The end of my story, story (2)
Everything is hunky dory, dory
Children of the Lord
