An Unrecognizable Jewish Future: A Queer Talmudic Take An ELI Talk by Rabbi Benay Lappe

אמר רבא ולענין גיטין אינו כן אלמא קסבר רבא אין אונס בגיטין מנא ליה לרבא הא אילימא מהא דתנן הרי זה גיטיך אם לא באתי מכאן ועד שנים עשר חדש ומת בתוך שנים עשר חדש אינו גט מת הוא דאינו גט הא חלה הרי זה גט ודלמא לעולם אימא לך חלה נמי אינו גט והיא גופא קמ"ל דאין גט לאחר מיתה אין גט לאחר מיתה הא תנא ליה רישא הרי זה גיטיך אם מתי הרי זה גיטיך מחולי זה הרי זה גיטיך לאחר מיתה לא אמר כלום דלמא לאפוקי מדרבותינו דתניא ורבותינו התירוה להנשא ואמרינן מאן רבותינו אמר רב יהודה אמר שמואל בי דינא דשרו משחא סברי לה כרבי יוסי דאמר זמנו של שטר מוכיח עליו ואלא מסיפא מעכשיו אם לא באתי מכאן ועד י"ב חדש ומת בתוך שנים עשר חדש הרי זה גט מת והוא הדין לחלה דלמא מת דוקא דלא ניחא ליה דתפול קמי יבם אלא מהא דההוא דאמר להו אי לא אתינא מיכן ועד תלתין יומין ליהוי גיטא אתא בסוף תלתין יומין ופסקיה מברא אמר להו חזו דאתאי חזו דאתאי אמר שמואל לאו שמיה מתיא ודלמא אונסא דשכיח שאני דכיון דאיבעי ליה לאתנויי ולא אתני איהו דאפסיד אנפשיה אלא רבא סברא דנפשיה קאמר משום צנועות ומשום פרוצות משום צנועות דאי אמרת לא להוי גט

Rava said: And with regard to divorce it is not so. thus Rava holds [that] “force” is not a claim in regard to divorce. From where does Rava get this [rule]? If we say, from what we have learned: “Behold this is your get if I do not come back from now until twelve months,” and he died within twelve months, there is no divorce. [And we would conclude from this that only if] he died there is no divorce, but if he became ill there is a divorce. But perhaps I could say to you [that] if he became ill there would also be no divorce. And it teaches us that there is no divorce after death. [That] there is no divorce after death, it taught us earlier: “Behold, this is your get if I die,” [or] “Behold, this is your get [if I die] from this illness,” [or] “Behold, this is your get after [my] death,” he has not said anything. [But] perhaps [that mishnah] excludes from the opinion of our rabbis, for it has been taught: Our rabbis allowed her to marry again. And we said: Who are ‘our rabbis? Rav Judah said [that] Shmuel said: The court that allowed the oil [of gentiles]. They hold like R. Yose who said, “The date of the document attests to [when it is effective]. Rather [he derives it from the] later clause: This is your get] from now if I do not come [back] from now [and] until twelve months,” and he died within the twelve months, it is a divorce. [And we may deduce] “if he died,” and the same rule applies if he became ill. [But] perhaps [the divorce is effective] only when he died, because he did not want her to be liable to [marry] the levir (yavam). But [rather deduce] from here: here was a certain [man] who said to them: “If I do not come [back] from now until thirty days it shall be a divorce.” He came [back] at the end of thirty days but the ferry prevented him [from crossing]. He said to them, “Look, I have come [back]; look, I have come [back]!” Shmuel said: This is not regarded as having come back. But perhaps a case of “force” which is frequent is different, for since he ought to have stipulated it and he did not stipulate it, he caused himself a loss. Rather [we must say] Rava stated his own opinion: On account of modest women and on account of loose women. On account of modest women, because if you will say that it should not be a divorce.

זימנין דלא אניס וסברה דאניס ומיעגנא ויתבה ומשום פרוצות דאי אמרת לא ליהוי גיטא זימנין דאניס ואמרה לא אניס ואזלא ומינסבא ונמצא גט בטל ובניה ממזרים ומי איכא מידי דמדאורייתא לא להוי גט ומשום צנועות ומשום פרוצות שרינן אשת איש לעלמא אין כל דמקדש אדעתא דרבנן מקדש ואפקעינהו רבנן לקידושי מיניה

sometimes [it may happen] that he was not held back by an accident, and she would think that he was held back by an accident and she would be an agunah, and sit waitng for him. And on account of loose women, because if you will say [that] it should not be a divorce, sometimes [it may happen] that he was held back by force and she would say that he was not held back by force and she would go and get married, and the result would be [that] the divorce was invalid and her children [from the second marriage] would be mamzerim. And is it possible that biblically the Gett is null and because of modest and promiscuous women we will permit a married woman? Yes! He who betrothes does so according to the will of the Rabbis, and the Rabbis have nullified his marriage.